When you spent so much time by taking the pulse of isolation, the difference between imagination and the Naked world, reveals your up to neck in alligator.

It’s Tough and Inevitable to pretend, I mean to fake that smile right there on your Face is not for real. Most of the times you get the stinking feeling, the things and the people, the part of you sink like a stone, the boiling of blood with the passive anger of Dispassion, self-blame, along with the Game Of Time, the feeling of overwhelming shock knocks in.
The Person can be an HERLEM, have you ever heard of this word? Hermits are independent and come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life. They have been chosen to live the life of a hermit by the Lord God and thus have been singled out to be with Him and resistance is futile. Or he can be a misanthrope, a person who has a deep dislike or hatred of people and thus living on their own keeps them away from people, NO! He can be a solitary someone who decides, generally later in life, to live on their own in some remote but a not too remote location for a specific reason usually for writing or painting or for health or other reasons. A hermit/ misanthrope / solitary can be any person- male or female, married or single.

The boy came here not long ago and confessed something with the broken soul, unextinguished fire, unsatisfied hunger in him, rains in his eyes. He confessed things in such a way that one will surely connect with the scream of pain he was going through.
The stupid grin on his face when he used to get a call from someone he was expecting he never knew that he was falling in carrot and stick situation.

                                           The fear of failure had caught him
terribly. The untold story of a boy was dreadful; a boy who never drank, a boy who never smoked was smitten with the darker side now. The darkened nights are often followed by the brightest SUN, as in the bright sun brings the dark one… In the battle of DARK & BRIGHT, CLOVEN - HOOF (evil or Satan) we are biffed-blather.
We, as if we are a child, even now at time’s we love to hide under the blanket in the night to feel the touch of the dark as if there is hidden something within the darkness, but we again come to light for allowing the air to pass, & so to respire.
Once you have felt it you wheeze (breath difficulty).
There are sudden unpredictable situations, also the disconnection from the activities you love the most, wherein you isolate someone or something from someone or something. It cuts two ways, there are always two sides of the situations, negotiate properly and see the Blessings in Disguise. There was none with whom he could stick an oar in, with knowledge, books and a little faith in god and by walking on eggshells in the dark nights with too many irons in the fire.
The fixed mindset will always redirect to conclusions without any analysis and work things out, there are increased chances of threats, where the growth mindset learns by asking the stupid questions by getting certain stupid answers won’t conclude anything but mask something out, boy a labor of love certainly tries best of both possible worlds, the only drug that can cure the hurt and impossible in his was failure.
The boy was addicted to the drug of failure, walking and showing path to him is not a good thing , let the drug of failure work inside him you might have studied about the elastic potential energy we all have potential energy inside us all it needs a situation when your potential energy is converted to kinetic, the brain before you think, the jaw before you chew the food, the hands before you clap, generates voice that means you have the ability to make sound, to think we all have stored energy within us which helps us to change the things from its original property.

Once the boy was walking and he bumped into someone and that person fell on the ground and started abusing him, he felt sorry and apologized but what he felt that kinetic energy he possessed because of his moment was transferred to that person which made him fall on ground… and the energy that person felt after falling on ground provoked him to abuse and filed anger in him the anger that’s being converted into sound and actions. Across the road there was a church and father saw this incident entirely, called out boy and told him that some accidents are blessings (blessing in disguise) he was puzzled in thoughts, the Father took him inside the church,  and asked: Son! Do you watch Plays? Yes! But Why? said the boy, There is a director who molds the artist he micromanages the things, scold them, understands them and then assign the duties and task, we are the clay and lord is potter, said the Father life itself has many faces you must follow one language in every situation said the father, boy amusingly asked what language??? 

A language the deaf can hear,
The blind can see,
And the mute can speak. Can you guess what I want to say? (KINDNESS)

Boy look surprised he said NOO I can’t guess I am not good in puzzles,
Well not long ago there was a boy,

 A little boy 13 years old working recklessly on the tea stall in heavy rains, a man stopped by, under the roof of tea stall, he felt terrible his head was filled with full of problems and confusions, got insulted by his bosses and was saddled with himself, he wished that at least he could be able to buy a car and would not stop by at such a muddy place under this tea stall roof 

 he heard something and was consciously engaged in how boy was serving tea without shoes, in the rain, To the shops, people standing over there.
 The owner of the tea stall calling him and insulting him in front of everyone and without any sigh on his face he was serving and cleaning the bench and was washing the kettle and glasses, serving cigarettes along with it enjoying the music of radio and singing along with radio, the man called for boy and told him to bring the tea and asked him how can you work in the rains without complaining and by getting insulted.
Why you are here is he your father? Said the man pointing towards the owner! The boy said NO! I work for him. What about your education? Asked man.

 The boy replied, my mother died when I was 6, and don’t know about my father, never saw him, I have one younger sister, man hesitantly asked where is your sister? And how old is she? What does she do? Studying in the government hostel replied boy while cleaning the table, how she manages to pay expenses? Well, I send her money by working here in the day and at night working at the bar by cleaning utensils, glasses, tables-chairs.
The man asked how you handle when someone insults you like this.
If someone comes to give you a gift and you do not receive it," the boy replied, "to whom does the gift belong?" I never accept the gift of insult I simply ignore it, if insult falls on deaf ears, who is insulted? Said the boy, hearing this, the man was flabbergasted by seeing him burning the candle at both ends on one side he was working for her sister and on other hands, he was serving people and earning bucks. Man learned from the boy which side of the bread was buttered in such circumstances, where he truly realized that the boy was fortunate enough by not living life as champagne on a beer budget. But the life that he earns is from hand to mouth and the man walked away.
Very Next day the same man along with his wife visited tea stall.
The boy was presented with the bag, uniform, shoes & socks for incurring best of his ability, and for such a good deeds, the man and woman agreed for financing his sister’s as well as boy’s education and wellbeing, the boy got the wings of education gifted by woman who was trustee of that school where his sister was already studying.

Father said to the boy; Living in peace and doing good deeds No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. 

You nothing but can make you earn bucks out of hard knocks from the Life, in the phase of the life, isolation can make your things better. It is good to be solitary, for solitude is difficult; that something is difficult must be a reason the more for us to do it You cannot be Isolated if you like the person you’re alone with, you will grow son, when you live with yourself, the sound of music, the lyrics of the nature and the reflection of happiness can be felt when you get bored of your Life, it’s time to meet real you by stripping feelings, people, relations, worries, money. Focus sunshine not shadows.



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